Healing through Science & Soul

                                         Manual Therapy and Energy Medicine

       Our Therapeutic Intervention Toolbox & Services              

Visceral Manipulation

You may be wondering why optimizing your organs even matters. Over time, layers accumulate within your body from surgical scars, adhesions, illness, inflammation, stored emotions, poor posture or injury, to name a few. These layers cause strains, or lines of tension, in the connective tissue of the viscera (organs) and through the deep fascial networks, resulting in a cascade of effects often far from the originating source.
Your brilliant body will learn to compensate around these restrictions, however, the compensatory movements of the body, ultimately cause chronic irritation, which gives way to functional and structural problems. 

Every organ in your body should have a natural INHERENT MOTION, or 'swing set motion' as I call it, manufactured through embryological development. This 'swing set motion' should naturally move at 7 cycles per minute; this is important because this is how the organ communicates with your brain, optimizing its function. 
Secondly, your organs need MOBILITY. They need to move as you move. Have you ever seen a pregnant woman 'waddle'? She is doing so because her musculoskeletal system is compensating for the lack of mobility of her growing uterus. Have you ever seen an elderly person flexed forward, unable to stand up straight? This can be driven by to deep lines of tension inside the viscera and the surrounding tissues that lead to skeletal changes in the spine.

Lastly, your gut is known as your second brain. Why? Because it has its own nervous system, the Enteric nervous System, and is said there are more neurons residing in the human gut than in the entire spinal cord. Nerd out with me here, to learn more about this fascinating and complex system.

Neural Manipulation

Whether it is 'brain fog', overwhelm, pain or dysfunction that persists despite your greatest efforts you can find resolve in Neural balancing. Neural function is imperative for all systems of the body due to its feedback loop. 
The body is one interwoven network and one disturbance can potentially throw the entire system off.

Often, we feel unwell or have something that is nagging us but we believe it will go away or we are too busy to
head to the doc, basically, other things in our lives take precedence. This is common, you are not alone. However, over time, your system creates compensatory patterns,
 increasing lines of tension throughout the system and finally, it can't continue making changes. 
The symptoms get noisier and you feel worse. You finally get to the doc and all findings are negative. No one can figure it out.  Likely because the small micro-traumas from lines of tension and compensatory movements don't show up in mainstream medical assessment, so it is unintentionally overlooked. Time persists, you continue to feel worse. Your system needs balancing. 
This is where you can elevate your life through 
Neural Balancing.
French Osteopath Alain Croibier collaborated with Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O., P.T. to develop Neural Manipulation (NM). NM examines mechanical relationships between the hard frame of the cranium and spine to the dura and neural elements and facilitates balance of the system through addressing restrictions of the dural and
neural components not commonly focused on with musculoskeletal symptoms.
A functional nerve, or anything in the system really, is one that has the freedom to move. Without mobility there is potential for pathological change.

NM resolves more comprehensive, global dysfunctions through profound examination and treatments of not only the local fixations but the effects of the rest of the systems through interwoven relationships.
NM causes neural stimuli, changes intra/extra neural pressure, and improves sympathetic function to blood vessels helping you beyond measure.

Pelvic & Sexual Health

'Outside the box' assessment, treatment & care by a Certified Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner. This whole person approach to pelvic & sexual health is for you if  you desire care based on your individual needs because you are not your diagnosis. It is for you if who have tried traditional 'pelvic floor' physical therapy (or other therapies for your pelvic diagnosis) without success. For you if you have had trauma and/ or abuse (PS: childbirth, miscarriages, abortions, surgeries, injury to this area are all trauma to the tissues and organs, not to mention, to your mental and emotional state)

When Dr'B' is no stranger to the  When the traditional therapeutic "pelvic floor" protocol hasn't worked for you; you have a history of trauma / abuse (PS: childbirth and surgeries are considered trauma); &/or internal (vaginal or rectal) treatment doesn't align with your personal desires then working with dr'B' is for you. 

There are numerous possible contributing factors to your pelvic health dysfunction.

You are uniquely you. You are not your diagnosis.
Each and every one of us has a story that has lead us to here, now. Mine, in short, is my 'why' I serve in the Pelvic and Sexual Health arena.
After being drugged and raped I was in agony. The pain persisted well beyond the tears. I had no clue there was help for the pain.
Year after year, appointment after appointment, therapy session after therapy session, the pain continued. 
It wasn't until I found this work that I was freed from the pain and able to restore success in the bathroom and the bedroom. 

I believe everyBODY deserves whole person care. You are not your diagnosis. Whether the root of your pain/ dysfunction is physical in nature 
or driven by an internal factor (emotions/ thoughts/ beliefs/ behaviors), here, at Fox Mind & Body Wellness, we can address it together. 

Energetic Balancing

With each life experience, the brilliant human body receives and stores information not only from the experience but from YOUR beliefs, emotions and perceptions associated with that experience. 
The experience can be physical in nature, such as an injury or surgery; it can also be emotional or mental in nature or a combination of. Think of someone saying hurtful words to you. Those words shoot like an arrow into your body (and your brain) wounding you. Just as a physical wound will scar, the emotional and mental aspect will scar as well. Each scar shares a story. Each scar contributes to an abnormal energetic lesion (a ball of stagnant energy within your tissues) restricting your tissue's mobility and function. If these unresolved energetic lesions, 'scars', are left untreated
they eventually result in structural and functional limitations leading to pain, altered function, and abnormal physiology. 

Founded on the principles of Quantum Mechanics, energetic balancing utilizes specialized energetic techniques to treat at the core level of dysfunction and release this energetically charged tension and stress patterns (physiological, mental, emotional, and consciousness) throughout the tissues of the body.
Treatment for this holistic system in the body is often the piece that is overlooked or underestimated as a significant factor in your diseased or dysfunctional state. It is often the piece, that when addressed, allows for whole body healing, therefore, optimizing flow and function so you can live free from congestion and dysfunction; feeling aligned. 

Left unaddressed is like having a lane on the highway (your body) under construction indefinitely; causing back up, congestion, and altered states on the road. Are you ready to address this lane on the highway?

Total Body Balancing

Total Body Balancing (TBB) is a total body evaluation and a 5-phase treatment approach developed by world-renowned Dr. Kerry D'Ambrogio. TBB uses long levers (arms, legs, head/neck or torso) and rhythmic mobilization which influences all systems of the body including the lymphatic, the visceral and the craniosacral, myofascial and musculoskeletal systems.

 This approach not only serves as an overall support but also helps to regulate the sympathetic and parasympathetic neurological activity.

Treating the body as a whole and getting to the underlying root cause of ailments results in incredible changes. This treatment often reduces muscle and fascial tension; improves joint mobility and biomechanics; and balances lines of tension supporting better postural alignment. 

TBB doesn't just affect changes with the musculoskeletal system; it is truly a total body approach to health and homeostasis. It also improves your physiological 
function focusing on balancing other structures such as, organ mobility and motility, blood, lymph, body fluids, nerve, and energy flow while reducing swelling and pain. 

A gentle, yet highly effective approach, changes in your pain and functional levels are often immediate with a TBB session. TBB can be used in the treatment of back pain, sciatica, neck pain, headaches, rib pain, upper and lower extremity orthopedic dysfunctions, swelling, and postural asymmetry.  

TBB is appropriate for the following patient populations: pediatrics, geriatrics, sports injuries, auto accidents, general orthopedic conditions, amputees, respiratory, and neurological patients. 

Lymphatic Balancing

The lymphatic system is a network of tissues, vessels and organs that are critical for the body to maintain homeostasis and regenerate tissue. 

The lymphatic system supports healthy fluid levels in your body by collecting excess fluid and fluid that is too large to move through your capillaries and transports this fluid back to your bloodstream. 
Additionally, as part of your immune system, the lymph system protects you against invaders such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi by producing cells that look for and destroy these harmful invaders. 

Drainage Precedes Supply
is an important principle of osteopathic treatment 
and is derived from the understanding that tissues require a healthy inflow of oxygenated and nutrient rich blood for cellular homeostasis and repair. 

In order to achieve a health inflow, the lymphatic system must be properly functioning to ensure the tissues have been drained of what doesn't serve them, allowing for the healthy inflow to have space to go to. 

Injury or infection can cause a stagnant or diminished lymphatic flow. When this occurs, the system is impaired and will cause pain, tension, and edema. 

Lymphatic balancing is a highly effective manual therapy treatment. Establishing a properly functioning lymphatic system will relieve congestion and remove accumulated waste in the tissues to decrease pain, restore full pain-free movement, and allow for optimal tissue healing. 
These subtle manual techniques not only activate 
lymph and interstitial fluid circulation, but also 
stimulate the immune system and help balance the autonomic nervous system.

Cranial Sacral

The profound interconnectedness of our being is mirrored within the gentle embrace of craniosacral therapy. This therapeutic modality tunes into the subtle rhythms and flows of the craniosacral system, a delicate network of tissues and fluids that envelop the brain and spinal cord.

By honoring and attuning to the wisdom of the craniosacral system, we unlock the potential for profound healing and transformation on all levels. Through gentle touch and mindful presence, we invite the body to release stored tension, trauma, and emotional blockages, allowing for a profound sense of ease and well-being to emerge.

Craniosacral therapy invites us to surrender to the innate intelligence of our bodies, trusting in the body's inherent capacity to heal and restore balance. As we embark on this journey of self-discovery and self-healing, we embrace the profound interconnectedness of all things, finding solace and guidance in the gentle currents of the craniosacral rhythm.

Let us honor the wisdom of our bodies and the healing power of craniosacral therapy as we navigate the ever-unfolding journey of life, embracing each moment with reverence and gratitude.

Myofascial Release

Fascia is a band of thin, fibrous connective tissue, made mostly of collagen, that encases all structures within your body. It is made of many layers with hyaluronan liquid between each layer allowing the fascia to support all the structures while also being flexible. Inflammation and trauma will actually dry up this liquid and damage your fascia. Damaged fascia tightens and therefore will compress and restrict the natural movement within your body causing pain and other health issues. 

Within the subtle depths of myofascial release lies a profound opportunity for healing and transformation. These gentle yet powerful approaches target the intricate network of fascia.

Myofascial release techniques honor the body's innate wisdom and capacity for self-healing. Through intentional touch and mindful presence, your practitioner facilitates the release of tension, adhesions, and restrictions within the fascia, allowing for a profound sense of ease and fluidity to emerge.

As we surrender to the therapeutic touch of myofascial release, we invite the body to unravel layers of stored trauma, emotional blockages, and energetic imbalances. With each gentle manipulation, we create space for the body to realign, rebalance, and reconnect with its natural state of harmony.

In the sacred space of a myofascial release session, we bear witness to the body's innate intelligence as it guides us toward greater levels of well-being and vitality. Through deep listening and compassionate presence, we cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and our unique path to healing.

Myofascial release techniques serve as a bridge between the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being, inviting us to explore the interconnectedness of mind, body, and soul. In the soft embrace of these therapeutic modalities, we uncover the profound wisdom that resides within, illuminating the path toward wholeness and integration.

Pain NeuroScience

In the intricate landscape of pain neuroscience, we encounter a profound invitation to explore the depths of our mind-body connection and unravel the mysteries of pain perception. Pain neuroscience delves into the complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors that shape our experience of pain, offering profound insights into the nature of suffering and the potential for healing and transformation.

At its core, pain neuroscience challenges us to transcend the limitations of traditional views of pain as purely physical phenomena. Instead, it invites us to consider the intricate web of neural pathways, neurotransmitters, and brain circuits that contribute to our perception of pain. Through the lens of pain neuroscience, we come to understand that pain is not merely a sensation but a dynamic process shaped by our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and past experiences.

By delving into the depths of pain neuroscience, we unlock the potential to rewrite our pain narratives and reclaim agency over our own well-being. Through mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and other evidence-based approaches, we learn to harness the power of neuroplasticity to rewire our brains and cultivate resilience in the face of pain.

Pain neuroscience serves as a beacon of hope for 
those grappling with chronic pain, offering a pathway 
to liberation from the confines of suffering. By empowering individuals to understand and address the underlying mechanisms driving their pain, pain neuroscience paves the way for healing and transformation on a profound level.

As we journey deeper into the realms of pain neuroscience, we discover that pain is not our enemy 
but a messenger, guiding us toward greater levels of self-awareness, compassion, and growth. Through the integration of mind, body, and spirit, we embrace the opportunity to transcend pain and awaken to a life of profound vitality, joy, and well-being.

The dr'B'fox Method

The dr'B'fox Method™ is pure gold.
This is where the power of integration of multi-system's meets innate wisdom yielding
unmatched results in mind & body function and wellness.
With over 1,800 hours in post-doctorate, osteopathic based training, dr'B'fox beautifully combines her
Training with Innate Wisdom and Transformative Teachings to facilitate healing & harmony within your mind & body.

She describes it as driving in one vehicle on a highway consisting of six or more lanes. She has the ability to merge, switch lanes, speed up, slow down within your system | MindBody | to create integrative changes within any or all your systems (visceral, neural, energetic, musculoskeletal, vascular, lymphatic, etc) as they present themselves in the session. 

Everything is connected, thus, one dysfunction often has many links to other systems.

By calibrating into your system to engage in 'Inner dialogue' dr'B'fox's gets to the ROOT cause of your dysfunction. The root can have a physical or internal factor (mental, emotional, behavioral component) as a primary driver. There is no guessing game here. Inner dialogue provides confirmation of what YOU need and treatment honors this.

So, yes, you have a nagging physical pain, just can't seem to get your energy back, or feel stuck and
despite all efforts, nothing has changed or it changes, but only temporarily.
It is exhausting. You are frustrated. You are tired of feeling this way and just want your life back.
You want to be able to push forward towards your goals. You want to show up for your children and 
be the best parent you can be. You want to engage 
with and have fun with your partner again. 
But your 'ailment' is holding you back.

It doesn't have to continue to be this way! It is not that you haven't tried, it likely is due to the fact the
primary driver hasn't been addressed or transformed completely. It is common to see that a persistent ailment, even physical, has a link to an experience in your life, often even as far back as childhood
or even the time period of conception to your birth. 
This link is where the internal factor is affecting your mechanical function.
Once the internal factor is transformed & released, your physical body has the capability to restore function.

The dr'B'fox Method™ is for you if you are wanting to finally rid your system of it's ailment(s).
If you want to achieve healing & harmony within your mind & body. If you want to improve mobility & function.
You want to optimize your overall health and well-being and finally live your best life!


BodyTalk is a revolutionary healthcare system that utilizes state-of-the-art energy medicine to optimize the body's internal communication. Looking at the big picture and using non-invasive techniques it is able to  refocus your body's natural healing response. 
BodyTalk not only listens to your innate body and what it needs to heal but has a profound understanding of the body based on discoveries from Bioenergetic Psychology and Traditional Chinese Medicine. 
The impact of this system is life changing.

Distance Healing

Distance Healing means you can stay in the 
comfort of your home and still receive 
the healing benefits of this work. 

This is not just talking;  treatment is performed during your distance healing session. Using our calibration techniques we tune into your system, just as we would if you were working with us in person, and treat your system based on what it needs for health & homeostasis. 

Treatment, rather than on the body, is performed in an energetic hologram. In short, the stagnant or congested energy is addressed by way of bringing the energy out of the container, into a hologram, treating what it needs to be free and functioning again and then place it back into the container. Using the hologram and our energy medicine background we can ultimately perform any technique we could hands on, in the hologram. Therefore, no matter where you are in the world, this work can assist you in your health journey. 

And, the most commonly asked question is: is this as effective as in person sessions?
Absolutely, the benefits you receive are equal to, and some may even argue, more effective than in person.

Consider this method of treatment if you live anywhere around the world that isn't in Idaho; if you need to stay home with the kiddos or due to inability to leave the home; unable to account for travel time to and from the clinic in your schedule; etc.

Home Vitality Optimization

Home Vitality Optimization is a complete balancing of your entire home, from structure to decor, your property, and all the living things within the home. 

The HVO is undeniably beneficial for, quite honestly, every home. However, even more necessary if: 
  • You moved - new home or already established home; allow us to 'clear the dust' and balance the energy of the entire home, the whole property, and any items within the home that need it so you can rest easy and feel at home in your new space. 
  • New human or animal in the home - Anytime a new person or animal enters the home, whether temporarily a guest or for long term, it shifts the energy in the home. Not just the being does, but also their 'things' bring energy into the home disrupting the balance. It is wise to ensure the home, people, pets and items are balanced for optimization of your space, bringing a calm and welcoming energy.
  • A human or animal has left the home - whether it was a relationship ending, a temporary guest, a house party or the death of a loved one (4 legged or 2), HVO balances & optimizes your home to ensure a clean, clear, & calm place to live. 
  • You can't seem to kick your illness or you feel like you or a loved one keep getting sick - new home or already established home; allow us to 'clear the dust' and balance the energy of the entire home, the whole property, and any items within the home that need it so you can rest easy and feel at home in your new space. 
  • You work from home - especially if you work from home on a computer with other people in meetings, etc. HVO will optimize your home and set the space for you to be productive and perform your best. Every person that pops up on your screen brings an energy; sometimes that energy pierces your home office and can even leak out into your home affecting yourself and those you love.
  • You live near an EMF tower, a golf course, or construction zone - at the end of the day, our homes, and therefore the people and pets living within the home are affected by, not just what is in the home and what comes in and leaves the home, but also the world around us. HVO assesses for treats any outer world imprints on your home, not limited to what is mentioned above. HVO also considers geopathic stresses, recent storms, and so much more. 

Fur~baby Vitaly Optimization

If you are anything like us, you LOVE your pet(s) endlessly and with that comes the deep desire to ensure their life is as healthy and vibrant as your own. 
Experiences, such as, transitions, run-ins with another animal, fireworks, and so much more can be 
significantly disruptive to your pet and their system, therefore their overall well-being and health. 

This is extremely common because animals have a greater sense of clairs resulting in greater sensitivity to the world around them. I mean, this is one reason we love them so much... they cuddle us when we don't feel well; they bark when someone is outside; they do the low growl when they want to alert us to someone who 'seems off'. They are just simply incredible. 

 Isn't it reassuring to know that you don't have to let them live in this heightened, dysfunctional state anymore? Allow us and the FVO to help settle your beloved fur~babies' system and bring them back to 
living their absolute best life.
*We can come to you or treat remotely*

Text to schedule: 208-949-8640

  • Moving - Any transition can completely disrupt a system, yours included.  You can feel the stress and fatigue for sure; your fur~baby likely feels the same, if not worse.
  • Kennel stays - short or prolonged stays can force your fur~baby into sympathetic overload. How stressful, despite the loving staff, would it be for you to be around that much stimulation and without your humans? 
  • Illness - no matter what it stems from, an illness can uproot the system and be tough to bounce back from. Your fur~baby can't verbalize this to you, but we can certainly detect the dysfunctions and correct them real time, helping them feel better faster.
  • Toxic relationships - You think you are stressed after a fight or during a divorce, your fur~baby is 10x that amount, and they can't do anything about it. You can go to therapy or have a session with us, but what about them? Help them clear the shish-kabobs from their system with FVO today. PS: look left at HVO; where we clear the home and can work with you and your fur~babes too. 
  • Fireworks - the FVO will help you know what your fur~baby needs before the big BOOM and can assist them in returning to a parasympathetic state (rest, digest, repair) after the sky is lit up.
  • Adoption/Rescue - often, when we open our hearts and our homes to our fur~babies, we don't know much about their past. Were they treated poorly? Did they have to prey for food? Did they starve at times? Did they have a warm, safe place to sleep? We know trauma stores within our systems, our fur~babies are no different. So as you integrate them into your home (even if it has been awhile) it would be our pleasure to help you, help them, and give them the life they do deserve. XO


From the barn, your sports team, your homestead, your business team, to a friends night out, let us support the dynamic, the growth, and the performance of each and every person or animal. 
  • Sports teams 
  • Businesses and Corporations 
  • The barn/ training center for horses
  • Your group of friends 
  • The whole family
  • And more...

1243 E. Iron Eagle Drive, Ste 130B | Eagle, ID, 83616
www.drbfoxco.com | 208.949.8640

dr'B' Trained by: 

dr'B' Professor/Teach for (current & former):

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