Healing through Science & Soul

                                          Manual Therapy and Energy Medicine

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Patients Share 

"After surgery, for a very long time, I couldn't engage my core, until I started working with you; it was life changing".

"I lived in Idaho and received the most compassionate treatments from your work after my brain surgery. Experiencing your magic, I then would see you every couple months or so when  I need a shift because I felt stuck, or had been sick, or family drama. When our family decided to move, I was beside myself and wondered who I could see in our new state that worked like you. That's when I found out and tried your distance healing. It was incredible and so helpful; I may have even liked it better because I didn't have to leave my house." RW

A beautiful gift I received from a family whoo I have treated Mom and all 3 of her kiddos. 
I am so blessed with wonderful patients.

1243 E. Iron Eagle Drive, Ste 130B | Eagle, ID, 83616
www.drbfoxco.com | 208.949.8640

dr'B' Trained by: 

dr'B' Professor/Teach for (current & former):

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